
Chair Working Students

Dear Working Student,

welcome at the Chair of Connected Mobility at TUM!
During your work time at the chair you have the option to use a couple of services. This page should give you some information on the available services and how to apply for them.

Make sure to fill out the form at the bottom of this page!

If you have further questions regarding this page or anything else ask your chair contact person or write us an E-Mail.

Best regards,
Chair Admins

Use the registration form below.

The following services can be requested through the form:

  • Wiki Access
    Login to this wiki. The wiki contains information and instructions regarding chair infrastructure. Several sections describe services, how to apply for them and how to use them. Examples are: VM Usage, VPN, etc.
  • Mailing List
    For communication purpose we have a mailing list with all chair members. Also TUM computer science news are shared on this mailing list.
  • Chair-LAN
    If you are frequently at the chair it might be preferable to connect your laptop/device via LAN to the network. The first device can be requested through this form. After completing the registration, access for additional devices can be requested via a form in the chair wiki or E-Mail.

Other services can be requested when registered as a working student either through the wiki or via Mail:

  • VM Usage
    VMs can be created to run computations or store datasets, etc.

For further questions or requests write an E-Mail to this address.

Working Student Registration Form

Register as a Working Student
Request Chair Services
Chair LAN Information

Only edit this fieldset if “Chair-LAN:” is set.

This is for the first device. After completing the registration more devices can be requested.

  • instructions/working-students.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/17 14:39
  • by paulth