

This section shows the most important features of the StrukturDB provided by the RBG. The old IP list is still available here but deprecated.

In order to provide a static DHCP lease for chair network access, click on:

  1. Procedures
  2. Host anlegen
  3. Select net:il11!
  4. Select as the domain
  5. Select the proper hosttype
  6. Select a proper hostname-structure (in most cases cm%%) or directly enter a hostname
  7. Enter the interface MAC address
  8. Enter the user's name (the person you create the entry for)
  9. Give information (name again, device and month of the year) on the device under notes.
    for example: Simon Zelenski APU Testbed NUC 05/18

If you want to edit a host entry, look it up on Chair IP List or search for the hostname in the search bar. Once you have found the host, click on Update. Do not forget to save changes.

When adding a host there is a list preconfigured list of hostname schemes. To get a consistent naming the names should be chosen for the following use cases:

  • Specify the hostname directly only in rare cases! (e.g. service-ip)
  • cm - memeber of the chair, long usage, e.g. Laptops, PCs, employee Ethernet adapters etc.
  • one - Opennebula VMs, created on ONE with a chair interface, Specify the VM name in the notes, e.g. “ONE grapes Vaibhav Data Analysis 10/18”
  • guest - working students in the big student room, or PhD guests, only for a short time at the chair
  • test - All testbeds and small devices for development: RPis, Controllers, Boards, etc.
  • lap - No use case, can be deleted in the future, or different use case
  • <others> - The other entries are mostly for specific type of servers (emu, net, sim, testbed, etc.)

Always try to give a meaningful note about the device or you will late get problems (already happened).
AND fill out the user (Besitzer) as the person responsible for the device.

To look up all the IP addresses in the chair network, log on the StrukturDB and click on intum/I11/host. Click onto colums in the top-right corner and select the data you want to see.
The most important data is:

  • etheraddr
  • notes
  • admin
  • host
  • ip4
  • infrastructure/strukturdb.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/12 10:31
  • by zelenski